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CALPAC is a voluntary political organization that contributes to candidates for state and federal office who share our philosophy and vision of the future of medicine. Political law and CALPAC policy determines how your contribution to CALPAC is allocated. CMA will not favor or disadvantage anyone based on the amounts of or failure to make PAC contributions, nor will it affect your membership status with the CMA. Contributions to PAC's are voluntary and not limited to the suggested amounts.
Contributions are not deductible for state or federal income tax purposes.
Contributions made in error may be refunded within thirty (30) days by contacting CALPAC at 1-800-786-4262.
HOD 2020 Members: Your CALPAC pin will be available at the next in-person CMA event. Postage savings are an added gift to CALPAC. Please contact us via email at calpac@cmadocs.org with questions or to request a pin via mail.
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